Pensafe A847PS Locksafe

A847PS Locksafe

Name:Pensafe A847PS Locksafe
Category:triple-action twist lock
Locking Type:full-auto
Unlock Style:lift-and-twist
Sleeve Rotation:120° (unlocked) | 120° (maximum)
Shape:asymmetric D
Nose Guard:none
Rivets:domed: recessed
Gate Shield:full
Anti Crossload:pin: absent
Weight:116.8 g
Dimensions:Length: 117.40 mm
Width: 79.56 mm
Depth (basket end): 10.68 mm
Gate Opening: 20.46 mm
Strength Ratings:Major Axis: 30 kN | Minor Axis: 16 kN | Gate Face: 16kN
Other Markings:Forged: PS
Laser: A847PS 15C 30kN
Rollmarked: CSA Z259.12 ANSI Z359.12 16kN GATE
Summary:clone of a DMM professional carabiner
Description & Commentary:

A solid professional carabiner, with ANSI rated gate, I-beam design, keylock nose and drilled for a captive pin.

Appears almost identical to the DMM Klettersteig Locksafe but with different markings. It even uses the same Part #, just with a PS suffix.

In emails with Pensafe customer service, they reiterate that this is produced in Taiwan for Pensafe, not made by DMM and not EN certified.

Technical Notice:Technical Notice