

Image Summary
AustriAlpin (Steel HMS) (reverse notch & window)HMSmanualgate stopped - gate stopunique reverse notch & hole gate, plastic threads
AustriAlpin Eleven ID Screwlockasymmetric Dmanualgate stopped - gate stopmodern workhorse carabiner with host of features: unique ID# semi-guarded nose, thick locking sleeve, ring-dimpled rivets
AustriAlpin Ovalo GI Screwlock Brass Sleeveoffset ovalmanualgate stopped - gate stopheavy workhorse oval-ish with modern features
AustriAlpin Rondo HMS Slide LockHMSfull-autoslideslidelock/pivot lock
AustriAlpin Stratustrapezoidfull-autoslideparagliding carabiner, anti-crossloading spine spur
AustriAlpin Sym Oval Clawlock Screwgate v1ovalmanualnose stopped - unknownclawlock nose, nose-stopped locking sleeve